South Africa: Are rhino horns in possession of the state fuelling the blackmarket?
Who is the South African government protecting? Are horns in possession of the state fuelling the blackmarket? ...
Who is the South African government protecting? Are horns in possession of the state fuelling the blackmarket? ...
Poaching in Kruger has plummeted since the assassination of Petros Mabuza, but the respite won't last. SANParks, who's CEO is currently out on bail for - according to police reports...
Last year Saving the Wild began working with Prince William, The Duke of Cambridge's United for Wildlife Taskforces, specifically on overcoming the horrific challenges South Africa's #rhinos are facing. We...
The masters of delay tactics, accused rhino horn dealer Dumisani Gwala gained another three months of freedom when his notorious lawyer ZW Ngwenya suddenly started acting like he was confused...
Saving the Wild is calling on all celebrity activists to help us save the rhino and finally bring justice to the people of Zululand....
By Jamie Joseph | Saving the Wild In 2014, in the wake of relentless slaughter, South Africa elevated rhino poaching to a National Priority Crime. Action is proof, words are pretend,...
13 March 2019, Kruger National Park: I stood outside of Skukuza court observing the scene. A crowd of friends and family had gathered, waiting for the two Kruger field rangers...
By Jamie Joseph Director's Note Saving the Wild is the only environmental organization based in South Africa whose mandate is to pursue high level targets and expose the corruption enabling rhino poaching. Our...
By Jamie Joseph #JusticeForRhinos Friday 9 November 2018: When Mozambican Patrick Nkuna entered Skukuza court today, he did so with the weight of doom on his shoulders. After a slew of...
SAVING THE WILD -Expose and eradicate corruption enabling rhino poaching in South Africa -Empower rural community members to be guardians of wildlife reserves 2017 End of Year Report Directors Note “Corruption is one of the...