But most of all I will remember how you kept me waiting all those weeks, until eventually you showed up, and like something out of a movie you walked towards...
Breaking news, Remove the rot and the rhinos will be saved: Two Kruger Field Rangers have just been charged with corruption, money laundering and fraud linked to wildlife trafficking. ...
"Well that was the best #EarthDay ever! Remember this date: 22 April 2022 - This is the day that will change the course of history for South Africa's rhinos."
-Jamie Joseph...
Says Kruger Managing Executive Gareth Coleman, "Just climbing over a fence and going to find a rhino is much more difficult now. So the strategy is moving to [an insider]...
It is with a heavy heart that I share the devastating news that Don English, Kruger National Park’s Regional Ranger, is being moved to the north, far far away from...
Financial Independence through bee keeping.
Key Objectives:
Working in harmony with nature to enable women empowerment and financial independence.Securing wild land within the Kimana Wildlife Corridor and Greater Amboseli ecosystem, thus ensuring...
The two-time Academy Nominated actor imprinted on Jamie Joseph 15 years ago when she saw him in 'Blood Diamond', an incredibly important movie that exposed the world to child soldiers,...
Poaching in Kruger has plummeted since the assassination of Petros Mabuza, but the respite won't last. SANParks, who's CEO is currently out on bail for - according to police reports...