Saving the Wild’s Blood Rhino Blacklist: Court President faces criminal charges Nov 23

Sunday Tribune, September 9th, 2018

#BloodRhinoBlacklist Jamie Joseph, Saving the Wild Director, South Africa: Frederick Douglass said, “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”

I have been demanding for eight years that justice be done, and today, thanks to a handful of determined individuals across the justice sector and law enforcement, we crossed a momentous milestone. We cannot thank these unsung heroes enough.

In October 2017 I exposed what is known as the ‘Blood Rhino Blacklist’ – a crooked cabal of justice officials taking bribes on rhino poaching, child rape and other crimes against humanity. Further to this, many of these people on my blacklist paid money into the bank account of Court President Eric Nzimande. He was responsible for overseeing all regional magistrates in the province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) in South Africa before Parliament confirmed his suspension in October 2018.

© Steve Woods – Read Sir Richard Branson’s blog on Saving the Wild pursuit of ‘US sanctions’
Photo © Brent Stirton.
Photo © Brent Stirton | Zululand is current experiencing highest ever death toll

Throughout his more than five years suspension, Nzimande has received at least seven million rand in salary. His disciplinary hearing finally commenced, TODAY, November 13, with AT LEAST 162 COUNTS OF MISCONDUCT according to a June 2021 Parliament Briefing. TheMagistrates Commission concluded in a leaked investigation report “a pattern of racketeeringwith Mr Nzimande in charge of the Command System.”

Watch the 2018 BBC documentary featuring Saving the Wild
Jamie Joseph – Blood Rhino Blacklist – Photo © Saving the Wild


This is not going to be another situation like when Dumisani Gwala was found not guilty earlier this year in Zululand, ‘The Wild Wild West’. Proceedings will continue in Durban, and I would assume because it is of such critical national importance that puts the state capture of the courts into question, it will proceed through the High Court, and judges will be brought in from outside provinces. 

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Top header photo of Jamie Joseph © Saving the Wild